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A glossary of terms important to IBM mainframe machines

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T1:  Digital transmission system developed by AT&T. T1 is a 1.544Mbps digital trunk based on 24-channel PCM, which customers can use transparently to AT&T. Provided as a leased line or privately owned service on satellite, microwave, fiber, or copper wire. A newer range of services with higher transmission rates is emerging: T1C (3.152Mbps), T2 (6.312Mbps), T3 (44.736Mbps), T4 (274.176Mbps).

T2:  See T1.

T3:  See T1.

T4:  See T1.

TADE:  See Tivoli Application Development Environment.

TAEF:  See Tivoli Application Extension Facility.

TAF:  Terminal Access Facility, a facility allowing CICS and NCCF terminals to be monitored from the same network control terminal.

Tag Language:  Dialog Tag Language. See DTL.

TalAE:  Taligent Application Environment. Renamed and made part of the IBM CommonPoint family.

TalDE:  Taligent Development Environment. Renamed and made part of the IBM CommonPoint family.

Taligent:  The joint company set up by Apple and IBM in late 1991 to develop object-oriented systems, including the Pink operating system (also known eponymously as Taligent). In March 1992, Sun Microsystems joined the party, and in January 1994 HP bought a piece of the action. December 1995, Taligent was folded back into IBM where it became the Taligent Object Technology Center. See also CommonPoint, TalAE, TalDE, TalOS.

TalOS:  Taligent Object Services. The operating system developed by Taligent.

Tandem:  Hardware/software vendor which sells systems into the OLTP market. Tandem systems are built using interconnected minis, an architecture which offers modular growth, and the ability to construct very reliable and resilient systems. Tandem has been very successful in selling its products into the IBM sector particularly as front-end processors for large OLTP systems. Bought by Compaq mid 1997.

TAP:  Trace Analysis Program.

Tape ring:  The round piece of plastic that fits into the hub of open reel computer tape. Its presence indicates that the tape can be written on. Also known as write ring.

Tape silo:  See ATL.

Tape Volume Cache:  See TVC.

TAPI:  Telephony Applications Programming Interface. Microsoft’s API for interfacing Windows-based CTI applications to telephone systems.

TAPM:  See Tivoli Application Performance Management.

TAR:  Tape Archival and Retrieval format. Used extensively during the reign of the mainframes, it served to place files on tapes that could be retrieved by computers with a different operating system.

TARA:  Threshold Analysis and Remote Access. Extension of NPDA for 3600 and 4700 finance communication systems.

Target node:  The RRSF node that a given RRSF node is connected to via the TARGET command.

Target user ID:  The second of a pair of user IDs in functions such as password synchronization, where RACF changes the password of the target user ID whenever the source user ID’s password changes.

Tarpon:  IBM code name during development for the Versatile Storage Server.

TAS:  Telephony Application Services. AS/400 program product integrating AS/400 applications with 972x and other PABXs. Withdrawn January 1992.

TASI:  Time-Assigned Speech Interpolation. A technique for allowing two telephone conversations to share the same line simultaneously.

Task control:  A component of CICS that prioritizes task activity. This allows high priority tasks to be processed first.

TaskPads:  An user interface extension to Operations Navigator that allows easy access to key OS/400 administrative tasks.

Tazza:  An IBM tool for linking and embedding Java applets which first emerged mid 1996. Later renamed CAT.

Tb1:  See Terabit.

TB2:  See TeraByte.

Tbit:  See Terabit.

TBSM:  See Tivoli Business Systems Manager.

Tbyte:  See Terabyte.

TCAM:  Telecommunications Access Method. SNA and pre-SNA software resident in the mainframe which enables applications to access devices as if they were sequential files. Now largely superseded by VTAM. Withdrawn March 2000. Support ended March 2002.

TCAS:  Terminal Control Address Space. The component of TSO/VTAM that accepts logons and creates a TSO address space for each user.

TCB1:  Task Control Block.

TCB2:  See Trusted Computing Base.

TCDSM:  See Tivoli Cable Data Services Manager.

TCF:  Transparent Computing Facility. Unix/AIX1 facility for distributing data and workloads among clustered processors. Enables a cluster of AIX machines to present the user with a single system image.

TCM1:  Thermal Conduction Module. The basic building block of many IBM water-cooled mainframes. Consists of LSI chips assembled into a sealed liquid-cooled unit. There are also special TCMs for specific tasks such as vector processing, cryptography, and data compression.

TCM2:  Triggered Cache Manager. A mechanism to cache dynamically-generated Web pages. Can improve the performance of a Web site because it allows a Web designer to build dynamic pages and will only update the cache when the underlying data changes.

TCM3:  Thin Client Manager. Also known as NetVista Thin Client Manager.

TCNAT:  See Tivoli Comprehensive Network Address Translator.

TCO1:  See Technology Conversion Option.

TCO2:  Total Cost of Ownership. The complete cost of system ownership during its life-cycle. TCO factors include hardware and software configuration in addition to maintenance.

TCP:  Transmission Control Protocol. A host-to-host protocol for use between hosts in packet-switched communications networks and in interconnected systems of such networks. It exploits the Internet Protocol (IP) as the underlying protocol. See TCP/IP. TCP is also the name of a feature in z/VM.

TCP/IP:  Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Set of protocols for the network and transport layers of a packet switched data network, most notably the Internet. Developed in the US for the Department of Defense ARPAnet system and has become a de facto standard used by many vendors – particularly on top of Ethernet, and/or in Unix systems. Supported right across the IBM ranges. TCP/IP was for many years considered to be a stop-gap which would be killed when OSI systems became available – however the reverse appears to have happened. See also SGMP, SMTP, SNMP.

TCP/IP 5-tuple:  Source IP address, Destination IP address, Source Port, Destination Port and Protocol.

TCP/IP Check Sum Assist:  A standard feature of eserver zSeries 900 that performs the TCP/IP error check calculation (checksum) as a single machine instruction implemented with firmware/microcode. See also Assist.

TCP/IP Configuration Assistant:  Web-based wizard for z/OS TCP/IP that walks you through a set of questions and then provides you with customized output to help you accomplish the task.

TCP/IP Network Print Facility:  See NPF.

TCP Explicit Congestion Notification:  Proactive data packet management during high network traffic conditions. If a router detects congestion, and the explicit congestion notification feature is enabled, the AIX sending host is notified to undertake appropriate action to reduce the data transmission rate.

TCP Splicing:  Helps push the data-relaying function of a proxy application (from server side socket to the client side socket or vice versa) into the AIX kernel. Performance of proxy applications is improved by reducing the pathway length through which data must travel.

TCSEC:  B1 Trusted Computer Systems Evaluation Criteria.

TCT:  Terminal Control Table. Table in CICS which holds all the network descriptions.

TCU1:  Transmission Control Unit. An obsolete communication control unit, such as the IBM 2702 and 2703 Transmission Controls, whose operations were controlled solely by programmed instructions from the computing system to which the unit was attached. No program was stored or executed in the unit.

TCU2:  Terminal Control Unit.

TDE:  See Tivoli Data Exchange.

TDES:  See Triple DES.

TDImage:  Three Dimensional Imaging system for the RS/6000. Developed by Thomson Data Images SA (49% owned by IBM) in France. Withdrawn December 1997.

TDK:  See Tivoli Developer Kit.

TDM1:  Time Division Multiplexing. A means of sending more than one set of messages down a single line by giving each set a predetermined slice of time. cf. FDM.

TDM2:  Tivoli Device Manager for Palm Computing Platform. Replaced by Tivoli Smart Handheld Device Manager.

TDM3:  See Tivoli Distributed Monitoring.

TDMM:  Tivoli Data Message Manager. See Tivoli Data Exchange.

TDP:  See Tivoli Data Protection.

TDRM:  See Tivoli Disaster Recovery Manager.

TDS:  See Tivoli Decision Support.

TeamConnection:  An OS/2/Windows development environment built around the ObjectStore database/repository. Includes facilities for software configuration management, information sharing, and application build/deployment. In February 2000, IBM entered into a strategic alliance with Rational Software, and in October 2000 withdrew VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server, the only remaining TeamConnection product left, suggesting Rational ClearCase and ClearQuest as replacements. TeamConnection DataAtlas had previously been renamed VisualAge DataAtlas, which was later withdrawn.

TEC:  See Tivoli Enterprise Console.

Technical Support Portal:  Personalized eserver Web-based technical information. Navigate and access related Web sites to find technical support libraries, user-to-user collaboration, installation planning and access to the closest IBM support team relevant to a particular problem area.

Technology Conversion Option:  Once a built-in feature in some ICC leases which gave the lessee a pre-defined right to upgrade to a new machine. It was used by IBM to keep people buying machines when they knew that something better is just around the corner. It was introduced for the System/3x when rumors of the AS/400 were rife, and was also offered for the RT PC at the end of 1989 when the RS/6000 was in the offing. Obsolete.

TEIF:  See Tivoli Event Integration Facility.

Telco:  Telephone company. See PTT.

TeleManagement Forum:  Originally the Network Management Forum (NMF), a standards body set up in 1988. Now with nearly 400 industry members, including IBM. Focus is on open standards-based solutions for telecom operations.

Teletex:  A once highly-regarded super telex standard with upper and lower case, error correction, etc. Fatally flawed by the absence of store and forward facilities – in other words, if your machine wasn’t switched on you got nothing. Germany was the only country where teletex made any progress; elsewhere, the success of fax more or less wiped it out.

Teletype:  See Telex.

Telex:  An international public dial network based on the teletype standard with its frightfully slow 110bps transmission. Replaced by Fax in the 1980s. TWX was a less popular competitor that actually used the standard telephone network, complete with valid phone numbers. Telex was also a company (as was Teletype) that later merged with Memorex.

telnet:  The remote, or virtual, terminal protocol for the Internet. Allows users to log-in to their home machine from any other machine, or vice versa. Supported in most IBM TCP/IP implementations. tn3270, tn3270e and tn5250 are specialized versions of telnet for 3270 and 5250 terminal emulation.

TeMM:  See Tivoli e-Marketplace Manager.

Template:  Defines the format of profiles in the RACF database.

Temporary Activation Option:  Available on iSeries 400. All of the processors on the server will be activated for up to 14 days. No IPL is required, unless LPAR is used on the server and processors need to be moved between partitions. The 14-day clock counts the elapsed hours while the server is powered up.

TEN-34:  European Union-funded network developed by a consortium of European research networks mid 1997. Initial transmission rates of 34 Mbits/s provide the name. See Internet2.

TEO:  Technology Exchange Option. IBM scheme introduced in 1987 during the run-up to the launch of the AS/400. It included the right to a pre-defined conversion as part of a lease on the System/3x. The FEL took over from the TEO in 1988.

Terabit:  1,099,511,627,776 bits. Abbreviated as Tb.

Terabyte:  1024 gigabytes, 2 to the fortieth, or 1,099,511,627,776 bytes. Abbreviated as TB.

TeraFLOPS:  1000 GigaFLOPS, a measure of supercomputer performance. This was first achieved by Intel in December 1996, with its $50 million supercomputer for the US Department of Energy which integrated 9,624 Pentium Pro chips.

Teraspace:  A temporary storage area providing a single OS/400 process with up to 1TB2 of private storage. Supports memory mapping.

TESM:  See Tivoli Event Services Manager.

TEST:  TSO command only available in line mode. It cannot be used from within ISPF. Although no longer popular, it does provide a useful way of debugging Assembler programs written to run in the TSO environment, and, with some effort, batch programs, too. Includes its own set of line mode subcommands, mostly used for setting breakpoints and displaying/modifying storage locations. Used in place of the TSO CALL command to load a program for debugging.

TESTCOB:  Obsolete COBOL test tool – replaced by COBTEST.

Testing Period:  How long before you start getting charged for an IBM software product. For z/VM, it is two months.

Text Extender:  Adds text search capabilities to the SQL language of z/OS DB2 UDB. These can be used inside SQL statements like the built-in SQL functions, such as length or concat. Provides proximity search (word aa in the same sentence or paragraph as word bb), XML document support, thesaurus support, and integrated multimedia searches (images). A member of the DB2 UDB Extender family, alongside Net Search Extender. See also DB2 Extenders.

Textpack:  Software developed for the defunct Displaywriter.

Textreader:  Optical character reading (OCR) software for the PS/2. Withdrawn January 1992.

Text Search:  An element of z/OS. See also Text Extender.

TextWrite:  OS/2 product for creating SGML files. Withdrawn April 1993.

TFA:  Transparent File Access.

TFT:  Thin Film Transistor. The technology used for color LCD computer monitors. The name derives from the fact that each pixel on the screen is controlled by its own transistor.

TGs:  See Transmission Groups.

Thesaurus Management System:  OS/2 software for creating, managing, and using thesauruses/thesauri. Works with SearchManager and TranslationManager. The Thesaurus Management System consists of two products: Thesaurus Administrator/2 and Thesaurus End User System Toolkit/2. Announced June 1993. Withdrawn December 1997.

Thesaurus Manager:  See Thesaurus Management System.

Thin Client:  Nutritionally challenged PC. See Network Computer.

THINKable/2:  OS/2 software for clinical and special education specialists who work with people with memory and attention problems. Announced December 1992, withdrawn May 1995.

ThinkPad:  IBM laptop PCs first announced October 1992. The name derives from what is arguably IBM’s most famous slogan (Think) and Notepad, the previous name for laptops Consistently well-rated in a very competitive sector.

ThinkPad Power Series:  Obsolete PowerPC-based laptops which ran a vast number of operating systems, including various Unixes.

Three-phase key-exchange protocol:  A protocol that creates an authenticated encrypted connection across a non-secure network. See authentication, encryption.

Three-tier environment:  A client/server model where the client is Tier 1, perhaps a Web browser. Tier 2 is the application server and Tier 3 is the database. Tier 2 and 3 may even be on different platforms. An IBM example would be WebSphere as Tier 2 on a Windows server operating system and Tier 3 being VSE/ESA running DB2.

Thunk:  A verb meaning: to create an interface to process functions developed for another system on a host system, e.g., 16-bit APIs on a 32-bit flat-memory model OS/2. A thunking interface avoids having to rewrite the original programs (at least in the short-term), and enables application programs to run in various environments.

TIC:  Token Ring Interface Coupler. Firmware/card within the 3745 to provide a gateway between TRN and mainframe.

Tier 1:  See Three-tier environment.

Tier:  A set of computers performing a common role. In two-tier client/server, the client tier (usually PCs) handle presentation and some program logic, while the server tier (large PCs or Unix boxes) take care of database management and the rest of the program logic. Three-tier client/server inserts a middle tier of application servers between the clients and the database servers. See also three-tier environment.

Tier 2:  See Three-tier environment.

Tier 3:  See Three-tier environment.

TIFF:  Tag(ged) Image File Format. De facto industry standard for storing and transmitting bit-mapped images. Created by Aldus and Apple, and widely used by PC software, including IBM’s own Content Manager family.

TIIF:  Time-Initiated Input Facility. IMS TM facility for automatically generating transactions at specified times.

TIM:  See Tivoli Intrusion Manager.

Time and Place/2:  OS/2 LAN-based time management program which provides bi-directional calendar functions between OfficeVision/VM, OfficeVision/MVS, Time and Place/2, and PROFS calendars. Originally announced February 1993 as being of special interest to customers moving from OfficeVision/VM and PROFS to Lotus Notes and cc:Mail. Can be used as a stand-alone personal diary, or as a groupware system for integrating individual calendar systems across a LAN. Supports the VIM interface. Finally withdrawn December 1997.

TIMI:  Technology Independent Machine Interface. The layer of the iSeries 400’s software structure which defines the machine’s architecture to user applications. The idea is that it protects user applications from changes in hardware technology. Formerly known as HLMI.

TIOC:  Terminal I/O Controller. A z/OS software element that provides console services and TSO/E communication with the terminal hardware.

Tired iron:  IBMspeak for hardware that is functional but has been superseded by new products, hence is perceived as out-dated. See Big iron.

TIRS:  The Integrated Reasoning Shell. IBM expert system for OS/2, OS/400, AIX1, z/OS, and z/VM environments. Initially you develop the application on a PC or AIX box, generate an Export Language version of it, and then compile and run it on your preferred SAA platform. TIRS went some way to improve IBM’s indifferent performance in the expert systems market, but by 1996 the last of the TIRS products had been withdrawn.

TIS:  Tools Interface Standard. A mid 1990s standard for 32-bit development tools, developed by a group of vendors including IBM, Borland, Intel, Microsoft, and Lotus.

TISM:  See Tivoli Internet Services Manager.

Tivoli:  A relatively independent IBM-owned company creating and selling software that helps centrally manage networked PCs and distributed systems, including mainframes. Founded in August 1989 by four former IBM employees. By the mid 1990s, well known for its TME system management software that seemed to interface to everything. IBM bought Tivoli for $743 million in March 1996. Before long, Tivoli had inherited a lot of IBM products. The first to go were the SystemView and NetView product lines. It took a few years to rationalize it all into the Tivoli product line, often going through repeated renamings, even, as with Info/Man, abandoning the original name then returning to it.

Tivoli Application Development Environment:  A Tivoli toolkit which contains the complete API for the Tivoli Management Framework. This allows customers and vendors to develop their own applications for the Tivoli environment. Withdrawn and support ended May 2001.

Tivoli Application Extension Facility:  A Tivoli toolkit that enables users to customize Tivoli applications. Withdrawn and support ended May 2001.

Tivoli Application Performance Management:  Provides three methods for measuring an application’s response time as experienced by the end user. Client Capture runs on the desktop and measures the time from last user key stroke to screen refresh at the end of the transaction. Application Instrumentation provides a standard (Open Group) API that the application calls to measure response time. Transaction Simulation runs real transactions on any PC by a synthetic user. APM also reports on who is using an application, how much they are using it and whether their transactions are completing successfully. Runs on AIX1, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Windows servers. Supported databases include DB2, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server and Informix. Requires Tivoli Framework and Tivoli Decision Support.

Tivoli Business Systems Manager:  Distributed systems management software that provides a single point of control for all messages and events associated with one or more business systems and processes, even if multiple platforms, networks and systems software products are involved. Supported platforms include z/OS, OS/400, AIX1, HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems. Replaced Tivoli Global Enterprise Manager and Tivoli Manager for OS/390.

Tivoli Cable Data Services Manager:  System management for the cable (CATV) industry. Announced May 2000. Began by focusing on high speed Internet, centrally managing the deployment from a single console. Requires Tivoli Framework, Tivoli Core Apps, Tivoli Device Manager, Tivoli NetView and Tivoli Subscription Manager.

Tivoli Comprehensive Network Address Translator:  AIX1 software that extends Network Address Translation (NAT) concepts into SNMP and ICMP messages, transparently mapping all IP addresses into unique addresses for the tools responsible for network management.

Tivoli Data Exchange:  Any-to-any transfer of data between the following platforms: z/OS, TPF, OS/400, Windows, AIX1, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, OS/2 Warp, 469x. Requires MQSeries or Tivoli Data Message Manager.

Tivoli Data Message Manager:  See Tivoli Data Exchange.

Tivoli Data Protection:  A series of products that optimize the backup process provided through Tivoli Storage Manager (a prerequisite) for specific environments. A product is provided for each of the following: EMC Symmetrix, IBM Enterprise Storage Server, Informix, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, SAP2 R/3.

Tivoli Decision Support:  Decision support for the IT function. The data is the hardware and software assets of the organization. Tivoli Decision Support Discovery Guides is a companion product that analyzes the data based on industry best practices. Uses OLAP technology and runs on Windows workstations. See also Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS, Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis.

Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis:  Provides event, performance, general health reporting and analysis on Tivoli Storage Management deployments. Provides tools to analyze historical trending data. Integrated into the base Tivoli Storage Manager product.

Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS:  Provides a central repository in a DB2 database for historical utilization and service level statistics from all platforms, then provides reporting tools for analyzing it. As well as the base product, there are also seven features: System Performance, Network Performance, iSeries 400 System Performance, CICS Performance, IMS Performance, Distributed System, and Accounting. An Accounting Workstation Option runs on Windows. Began life as the IBM SystemView Enterprise Performance Data Manager/MVS (EPDM) announced June 1993, then became IBM Performance Reporter for MVS, TME 10 Performance Reporter for OS/390, and Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 before assuming its current name. See also Tivoli Decision Support.

Tivoli Developer Kit:  Replaced by Tivoli Module Designer.

Tivoli Device Manager for Palm Computing Platform:  Replaced by Tivoli Smart Handheld Device Manager.

Tivoli Disaster Recovery Manager:  Assists with disaster recovery of the Tivoli Storage Manager server and its clients. Automatically generates a customized server disaster recovery plan, provides off-site recovery media management, and electronically vaults storage pool and database backups. Runs on z/OS, OS/400, AIX1, Sun Solaris, HP-UX and Windows server operating systems. Requires Tivoli Storage Manager.

Tivoli Distributed Monitoring:  Monitors system resources, takes any necessary preventative and corrective actions, and informs administrators of possible problems. Includes policy-based resource monitors and actions. Comes with 1500 predefined monitors and responses. Monitors z/OS, OS/400, OS/2, AIX1, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, SunOS and other Unix platforms, as well as Windows server operating systems. Plug-ins available for DB2, Sybase, Oracle, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange Server, SAP2 R/3, Lotus Domino, MQSeries and PeopleSoft. Runs on z/OS, AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, SunOS and other Unix platforms, as well as Windows server operating systems.

Tivoli e-Marketplace Manager:  Service availability, performance and security for Web-based ordering. Handles membership services, policy-based security management, problem/event management, performance measurement from the customer’s perspective, risk assessment and quality of service reporting. Runs on AIX1, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems. Requires DB2 or Oracle, and Apache server, WebSphere Application Server, HTTP Server and Netscape Enterprise Server. The desktop client runs on Windows with Internet Explorer or Netscape as a Web browser. Handles event management for OS/400, Unix log files, Windows server operating system logs, Novell NetWare, SNMP, HP OpenView, Tivoli NetView, Sun Solstice, Cabletron Spectrum, Tivoli NetView for z/OS, Tandem, WebSphere, i2 Technologies and Ariba.

Tivoli Enterprise:  The complete suite of Tivoli products for systems management. This used to be called TME 10. Discontinued after the Tivoli product line became so large, both with new products of their own and the many they inherited from IBM.

Tivoli Enterprise Console:  Provides a global view of the network computing environment. It achieves this by using distributed event monitors to collect information, which is sent to a central event server, processed, and presented to system administrators. Business process views can also be created, focusing on one or more critical applications. Supported platforms: AIX1, Data General DG-UX, HP-UX, Red Hat Linux, Motorola SVR4, Sun Solaris, SunOS and Windows server operating systems. Integrated with OS/400, Unix log files, Windows log files, Novell NetWare, SNMP, HP OpenView, Tivoli NetView, Sun Solstice, Cabletron Spectrum, Tivoli NetView for z/OS and Tandem.

Tivoli Event Integration Facility:  Toolkit that provides a simple API to enable vendors and customers to develop new event adapters that can generate and forward events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console.

Tivoli Event Services Manager:  Intranet and Internet event and problem management software. Previewed November 2000, announced April 2001 and withdrawn August 2001.

Tivoli GEM:  See Tivoli Global Enterprise Manager.

Tivoli GEM module:  Tivoli Global Enterprise Manager module. A Tivoli management module that allows an application to be managed by the Tivoli Global Enterprise Manager.

Tivoli Global Enterprise Manager:  Software for graphically monitoring, and configuring applications in distributed and zSeries 900 environments. Replaced by Tivoli Business Systems Manager.

Tivoli Identity Director:  Provides a single interface to manage user identities across multiple platforms. Runs on AIX1, NT1 4.0 and Sun Solaris. Announced October 2001.

Tivoli Information Management for z/OS:  Originally IBM Info/Man then Tivoli Service Desk for OS/390, before reverting to its original name. An integrated database containing problem, change, asset/configuration information, accessible from 3270, Windows desktop, Web browser, from within applications and other tools. Application access is provided through APIs that are available from CICS, Unix System Services, OS/2, AIX1, HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems. A dynamic self-defining data model architecture means that database field definitions can be changed without reorganizing the database. Integrated with other Tivoli products.

Tivoli Internet Services Manager:  Provides an integrated subscription and service management system for Web sites offering premium Internet services. Runs on AIX1 and Sun Solaris and requires WebSphere Application Server, HTTP Server, VisualAge C++, and DB2 or Oracle.

Tivoli Intrusion Manager:  An entry level security product aimed at midsize companies. A single event and problem management console can be used to monitor events and respond to security attacks.

Tivoli Inventory:  Automatically scans for and collects hardware and software configuration information from computer systems within an organization.

Tivoli IT Director:  A systems management product designed for the small or medium enterprise. Withdrawn January 2001.

Tivoli Job Scheduling Console:  Java-based GUI for Tivoli Workload Scheduler and Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS. Runs on AIX1, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, NT1 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional and Server, Windows 98/Me and Linux Red Hat.

Tivoli LAN Access:  Software that allows system administrators to integrate LAN management tools with the Tivoli suite of products. Deemed to have grown superfluous and withdrawn June 2000.

Tivoli Management Agent:  Allows Tivoli to manage any device it resides on. Widely used from PDAs and NICs (see NIC2) to mainframes where TMA is an element of z/OS.

Tivoli Management Framework:  The underlying software infrastructure (foundation or framework) that is required to run most Tivoli products. The Tivoli Management Framework for z/OS is an element of z/OS.

Tivoli Management Solution for Domino:  Centralized Lotus Domino system management software. Provides client software distribution, proactive server health monitoring, service level reporting, storage management, client performance measurement, server auto-detection and role-based configuration of Domino servers. Announced October 2001, replacing Tivoli Manager for Domino.

Tivoli Management Solution for Exchange:  Provides centralized control of Microsoft Exchange Server: configure and control Exchange, detect and respond to problems, and more efficiently handle complex time-consuming operations. Includes a set of predefined rules that detect and correct problems with applications, systems and networks through real-time staff notification at a single location or through automatic corrective action. Formerly the Tivoli Manager for Microsoft Exchange.

Tivoli Manager:  A series of system management products that includes Tivoli Manager for DB2, Tivoli Manager for Domino, Tivoli Manager for Informix, Tivoli Manager for Microsoft SQL Server, Tivoli Manager for Network Hardware, Tivoli Manager for Oracle, Tivoli Manager for R/3, Tivoli Manager for Sybase, Tivoli Manager for WebSphere Application Server.

Tivoli Manager for DB2:  Centralized DB2 system management software. Monitors DB2 servers, schedules tasks and automates task execution. Supports DB2 on AIX1, OS/2, HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems.

Tivoli Manager for Domino:  Replaced by Tivoli Management Solution for Domino October 2001.

Tivoli Manager for Informix:  Centralized management of Informix servers. Provides monitoring and automated task execution.

Tivoli Manager for MCIS:  System management for Microsoft Commercial Internet System (MCIS). Withdrawn April 2001.

Tivoli Manager for Microsoft Exchange:  Replaced by Tivoli Management Solution for Exchange.

Tivoli Manager for Microsoft SQL Server:  Provides monitoring and automated task execution for Microsoft SQL Server.

Tivoli Manager for MQSeries:  Deploys software components, configures MQSeries objects, monitors processes, manages events and automates routine tasks.

Tivoli Manager for MQSeries Integrator:  Provides availability, configuration, performance and operations management for MQSeries Integrator (MQSI).

Tivoli Manager for Network Hardware:  Stores network inventory data in a central location, for access through Tivoli Inventory.

Tivoli Manager for Oracle:  Centralized system management of all Oracle servers from one console. Provides monitoring and automated task execution.

Tivoli Manager for OS/390:  Replaced by Tivoli Business Systems Manager.

Tivoli Manager for R/3:  Provides centralized management of multiple remote SAP2 R/3 sites and reduces daily administrative management tasks.

Tivoli Manager for Retail:  Replaced by Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager.

Tivoli Manager for Sybase:  Centralized system management of all Sybase servers from one console. Provides monitoring and automated task execution.

Tivoli Manager for WebSphere Application Server:  Provides a single point of control for the entire WebSphere Application Server environment in an organization. A tool for administrators to isolate problems, define monitoring thresholds and alerts, automate routine administrative tasks, and understand the impact of WebSphere-generated and user-defined events.

Tivoli Module Builder:  A tool that enables developers and system administrators to make their custom and commercial applications management-ready for the Tivoli Enterprise environment. Creates management modules, such as a Tivoli GEM module.

Tivoli Module Designer:  A replacement for the Tivoli Developer Kit. Enables developers to describe the management characteristics of an application or business system. It also generates the application description files that the Tivoli management software uses to manage applications and business systems.

Tivoli NetView:  Tivoli software that facilitates distributed network management across multiple operating systems and protocols. Runs on AIX, Sun Solaris, Tru64 UNIX and Windows server operating systems on both Intel and Alpha processors. The Tivoli NetView Mid-Level Manager (MLM) component distributes management functions to remote locations that cannot support full-scale management. See also Tivoli NetView for z/OS.

Tivoli NetView Access Services:  Session manager that provides both menu access to, and hot-key swapping between, multiple z/OS on-line applications. Neither IBM nor Tivoli has ever demonstrated any tangible connection between this product and NetView.

Tivoli NetView Distribution Manager:  z/OS software that automates the distribution of software and data to a broad range of other platforms. Provides centralized tracking, automated error recovery and efficient utilization of the network during the distribution process. Also provides a history of the distribution process.

Tivoli NetView File Transfer Program:  Data exchange between z/OS, AIX and OS/400 systems. Not based on the Internet ftp2 standard, it uses a direct fetch-and-store capability, peer-to-peer support, data compression, checkpoint/restart and file type conversion.

Tivoli NetView for z/OS:  The original IBM NetView product that changed IBM from a nobody in network software to market leader in a few short years in the late 1980s. Began with integrated management of SNA resources, then expanded to TCP/IP networks, SNMP-based devices, TCP/IP clients accessing mainframe applications and integration of third party network- and element-management vendors. There is also Web browser access to NetView information. There are several NetView packages available: Unattended Option, Procedural Option, and Graphical Enterprise Option.

Tivoli NetView Performance Monitor:  A z/OS VTAM application that monitors, records and interactively reports performance and utilization. Analyzes traffic flow, transit times and other data needed for network tuning and problem determination. Sends alerts to and receives commands from Tivoli NetView for z/OS.

Tivoli NetView Performance Monitor for TCP/IP:  TCP/IP-only version of Tivoli NetView Performance Monitor that also runs on z/OS.

Tivoli Operations Planning and Control:  Renamed Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS. Automates, monitors and controls the flow of work through all local and remote systems, not just mainframes. Runs on z/OS. A common GUI, the Job Scheduling Console, controls both OPC and Tivoli Workload Scheduler.

Tivoli Output Manager:  Output distribution system, intercepting output from printers, fax machines, disk storage systems, e-mail addresses, corporate intranets and the Web. Runs on AIX1, HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems, but can also manage output from other environments.

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390:  Replaced by Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS.

Tivoli Personalized Services Manager:  Allows service providers to tailor Internet services to each customer’s PDA, cell phone or other pervasive devices. Combines subscription management, provisioning management, personalization services management and pervasive device management. Runs on AIX1 and Sun Solaris with DB2 or Oracle, VisualAge C++, WebSphere Application Server and HTTP Server.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager:  Proactive availability management for IBM 469x terminals (cash registers) in a retail environment. Runs on AIX1, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems.

Tivoli POS Manager:  See Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager.

Tivoli Ready:  A product that is certified by Tivoli as having turnkey integration with its system management software.

Tivoli Remote Control:  Software that allows help desk staff to operate workstations and servers at a distance, effectively taking over the keyboard and mouse. Runs on, and controls workstations running, OS/2 and Windows.

Tivoli Remote Execution Service:  A service that enables a Tivoli environment to perform remote operations on machines such as the remote installation of clients and the connection of Tivoli Management Regions (TMRs).

Tivoli Risk Manager:  Software that monitors for computer-based security threats across an organization, provides detailed information and centrally manages the response.

Tivoli SANergy:  Transparently enables multiple computers to share single disk volumes on the SAN storage. Even the same file can be shared across platforms if the applications using the files allow it. Supports AIX1, Apple MacOS, Sun Solaris, Tru64 UNIX, Red Hat Linux, Data General DG/UX and Windows server operating systems.

Tivoli SecureWay:  A brand name shared by Tivoli and IBM aimed at a secure communications infrastructure. See SecureWay.

Tivoli SecureWay FirstSecure:  Security hardware/software consisting of Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director, IBM SecureWay Boundary Server, Tivoli SecureWay Public Key Infrastructure, Symantec Norton AntiVirus and IBM SecureWay Toolbox. Withdrawn July 2001.

Tivoli SecureWay Global Sign-On:  Security software that provides one ID and password across multiple platforms. The sign-on client runs on Windows, the server on AIX1, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems, and together they can log users on to 3270 mainframe applications, 5250 OS/400 applications, Novell NetWare, Windows server operating systems, LAN Server/Warp Server, Lotus Notes, Unix systems and other systems and applications using CLI1, API or window-watching extensions.

Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director:  Security software that provides consistent access control across Web, TCP/IP and other applications. Runs on AIX1, Sun Solaris, HP-UX and Windows server operating systems. See also Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director for MQSeries, Tivoli SecureWay Privacy Manager.

Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director for MQSeries:  MQSeries access control software. Runs on AIX1, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems. See also Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director.

Tivoli SecureWay Privacy Manager:  Security software that extends Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director to protect confidential customer information in e-Business applications.

Tivoli SecureWay Public Key Infrastructure:  Software that uses digital certificates to secure Web applications.

Tivoli SecureWay Risk Manager:  Renamed Tivoli Risk Manager.

Tivoli SecureWay Security Manager:  Security software that centralizes management of access control policy and enforces a security policy in a network computing environment.

Tivoli SecureWay User Administration:  A graphical user interface (GUI) that supports the centralized management of user and group accounts across multiple platforms: z/OS, OS/400, Novell NetWare, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, AIX1, Red Hat Linux on Intel processors, OS/2 Warp, Windows server operating systems, Oracle, Lotus Notes, Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director, Tivoli SecureWay Global Sign-On, and other systems and applications via Application Management Toolkit. Runs on AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems.

Tivoli Security Management:  Renamed Tivoli SecureWay Security Manager.

Tivoli Self-Service Terminal Manager:  System management software for ATM1, self-service terminal (SST) and kiosk networks. Automates deployment of new features to these networks. Asset tracking feature requires Tivoli Inventory. Monitoring function requires Tivoli Distributed Monitoring. Runs on AIX1, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems.

Tivoli Service Desk:  Integrated request management, asset management, change management and network/systems management operations. Acquired by Peregrine Systems in December 2000.

Tivoli Service Desk for OS/390:  For a short period of time, the name of Info/Man. But is now Tivoli Information Management for z/OS.

Tivoli Service Quality Manager:  Provided monitoring and proactive identification of failing components in a service provider’s infrastructure in an attempt to avoid SLA violations. Withdrawn August 2001.

Tivoli Smart Handheld Device Manager:  Extends the Tivoli management environment to handheld devices. Identifies their existence (centralized discovery), installs and removes applications, receives real-time inventory information, maintains high availability and performs various configuration management functions. Formerly Tivoli Device Manager for Palm Computing Platform.

Tivoli Software Distribution:  Software that automates software distribution to clients and servers in a network computing environment. Source servers include AIX1, Windows server operating systems, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, SunOS, SuSE Linux, Red Hat Linux, TurboLinux on Intel, SuSE Linux for S/390 and many other Unix platforms. Distribution clients can be Windows, Novell NetWare, OS/2, OS/400, AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, SunOS, SuSE Linux, Red Hat Linux, TurboLinux on Intel, SuSE Linux for S/390 and many other Unix platforms.

Tivoli Space Manager:  Hierarchical Storage Management similar to DFSMShsm. Automatically and transparently migrates rarely accessed files to Tivoli Storage Manager storage. Runs on AIX and Sun Solaris. Requires Tivoli Storage Manager.

Tivoli Storage Manager:  Originally, a z/VM-only product known as WDSF, intended to centrally backup and manage disk storage across every conceivable platform within an organization. Renamed to DFDSM in May 1992, supporting z/OS, z/VM and VSE/ESA as a data server for workstations. Became ADSM in mid 1993. The mainframe versions expanded to other server platforms, including OS/2, OS/400, AIX1, HP-UX, and Sun Solaris. IBM transferred ADSM to Tivoli in January 1999 and, after some thought, it was given its current name. Currently, supported server environments include HP-UX, AIX, Windows server operating systems, Sun Solaris, z/OS, z/VM and iSeries 400. Over the years, the number of environments managed (clients) has grown to include Apple Macintosh, DEC OpenVMS, HP-UX, AIX, iSeries 400, z/OS (including Unix System Services), OS/2, Linux for Intel, Linux for zSeries, Windows on DEC Alpha1, Novell NetWare, NUMA-Q, SCO UnixWare, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Sun Solaris, Tandem Guardian, TRU64 Unix, Windows, DYNIX/ptx.

Tivoli Storage Network Manager:  Discovers, monitors and manages SAN components. And allocates and automates attached disk storage resources. Meets ANSI SAN standards. Runs on Windows 200x Advanced Server and manages hosts running AIX1, Sun and Windows server operating systems. See also Discovery.

Tivoli TME 10:  See TME 10.

Tivoli User Administration:  Renamed Tivoli SecureWay User Administration.

Tivoli Virtual Private Network Manager:  Software that automates the deployment of VPN. To date, it has only been previewed (November 2000) by Tivoli, not yet officially released.

Tivoli Web Component Manager:  Provides performance and availability information on e-business components running outside the firewall (DMZ).

Tivoli Web Services Analyzer:  Consolidates Web server logs files into a single data warehouse. Tivoli Decision Support can then be used, with its OLAP technology, to report on it. Runs on AIX1, Red Hat Linux, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems.

Tivoli Web Services Manager:  Monitors the availability and performance of the Web infrastructure, measuring customer response times, regularly running test transactions and scanning the Web site for potential problems. Runs on AIX1, Red Hat Linux, Sun Solaris and Windows server operating systems. Requires DB2 or Oracle.

Tivoli Workload Scheduler:  Production automation for distributed computed environments. Integrated with Tivoli Operations Planning and Control. Provides special support for ERP1 systems including SAP2 R/3, Oracle Applications, PeopleSoft and Baan. Formerly known as Maestro. See also Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS.

Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS:  Production management system that manages all work running on z/OS and other platforms. It helps plan, manage and automate the production workload. Formerly known as Tivoli Operations Planning and Control. See also Tivoli Workload Scheduler.

TLCC:  Three Line Communication Controller. Communications controller for the iSeries 400 for attaching lines (three, believe it or not!!).

TLCS:  Tape management system which became DFSMSrmm.

TLS:  Transport Layer Security protocol. The IETF variant of SSL which may eventually replace SSL. TLS is backward compatible with SSL 3.0.

TM/2:  See Translation Manager/2.

TMA:  See Tivoli Management Agent.

TMB:  See Tivoli Module Builder.

TMD:  See Tivoli Module Designer.

TME:  Tivoli Management Environment – the Tivoli architecture for system management, which became Tivoli Enterprise and then disappeared altogether. See Tivoli Enterprise for details.

TME 10:  When IBM bought Tivoli in 1996, Tivoli products all began with TME 10. The 10 refers to Release 10 of TME. See TME.

TME 10 Inventory:  The original name for Tivoli Inventory. Announced September 1996.

TME 10 NetFinity:  Now known as IBM Director with UM Services. For details of its entire history of names, see NetFinity, since IBM NetFinity was its original name.

TMF:  See Tivoli Management Framework.

TMM:  Tape Mount Management. DFSMS feature which collects small files which would be written to tape on disk. The idea is to avoid the waste of tape that you get when each tape reel/cartridge contains just a small amount of data. See Virtual Tape Server for the logical expansion of this concept with tape volume stacking – filling tapes with multiple logical tape volumes. See also SMSVMA.

TMP:  Terminal Monitor Program. In the TSO environment, the installation-written program that accepts and interprets commands. The TMP passes those commands it cannot process to the appropriate command processor for execution.

TMR:  Tivoli Management Region. A Tivoli server and the group of clients that it serves.

TMS:  Text Management System. Generic name for systems which manage large text databases. IBM offerings over the years have included TMS/36, STAIRS, SearchVision and SearchManager.

tn:  Refers to tn3270, tn3270e and tn5250 collectively or interchangeably.

tn3270:  Specialized TCP/IP telnet protocol which provides compatibility with a 3270 datastream by emulation of the screen buffer. Used for mainframe host access across the Internet and internally, within organizations, to replace SNA terminal-to-host access with TCP/IP. An official Internet protocol approved by the IETF. See also tn3270e.

tn3270e:  Improved version of tn3270 that supports color, the 3270 System Request key and other capabilities not present in tn3270. An official Internet protocol approved by the IETF.

TN3270E Server:  A component of the IBM Communications Server that allows a TCP/IP client workstation to communicate with a host processor. The TN3270E Server accepts SNA traffic from the host processor and converts it into tn3270e format for the client workstation. It also accepts tn3270e traffic from the client workstation and converts it into SNA format for the host processor.

tn5250:  Specialized TCP/IP telnet protocol which provides compatibility with a 5250 datastream by emulation of the screen buffer. An official Internet protocol approved by the IETF.

TNL:  Technical NewsLetter. Update pages for IBM manuals.

TNM:  Transmission Network Manager. NetView-compatible PS/2 network management tool for monitoring and controlling IDNX networks. Replaced January 1992 by AIX Transmission Network Manager/6000, itself withdrawn December 1997.

TNN:  Transport Network Node. A type of communications node that was under development by IBM in the mid 1990s as part of the Broadband Network Services. The TNN was planned to support ATM2 and PTM/Frame Relay, allowing users to build hybrid networks incorporating both high-speed technologies.

Token:  See authenticator.

Token passing:  A LAN access method (used in IBM’s Token Ring Network). Stations on the network have to wait until a token – a specific electrical signal – reaches them before they transmit. The mechanism allows access priority to the LAN to be controlled by the network manager. cf. CSMA/CD.

Token Ring:  See Token Ring Network.

Token Ring Adapter:  Line adapter for the TRN. Consists of a Token Ring multiplexer and two Token Ring interface couplers (TICs).

Token Ring Bridge:  Software enabling a PC to provide a local (and later a remote) bridge between combinations of 4 and 16Mbps TRNs. This is the obvious method for using a 16Mbps backbone, or even a dual backbone to give network resilience – the Bridge Program carries out load balancing on dual bridges. IBM Token-Ring Network Bridge Program was announced April 1987 and withdrawn September 1993, though support had already ended April 1992. Replaced by Local Token-Ring Bridge Program/DOS and Remote Token-Ring Bridge Program/DOS. Both were withdrawn January 1997 when they were replaced by the 8229 and 8281 hardware bridges.

Token Ring Network:  Generic term for a type of network of which IBM’s October 1985 announced product is an example. Initial releases of the IBM products supported PCs only, but connectivity for just about all IBM boxes has been announced, together with bridges and gateways. IBM made the specs for its implementation publicly available to encourage third-party vendors to help establish it as a standard.

Tokenway:  3174 Model 90R controller announced March 1990. Provided a means of connecting a 4/16Mbps TRN (up to 40 devices) and a host over a single line. Fits into the standard 19 inch rack. The Tokenway name was dropped almost immediately, but the controller lived on until April 1997 when it was replaced by the 3174 Model 11R.

Toolbox for Java:  A library of Java classes that provide access to iSeries 400 data and resources.

TOP:  Technical Office Protocol. A specification for a multi-vendor data communications architecture for use in technical and office automation systems. No longer the star that it once thought it was going to be. Championed by Boeing Computer Services. See also GOSIP.

TOPAS1:  Topology Overview Pricing Analysis System. IBM SE1 network design tool that provides estimates of network costs and performance data, and a configuration of all the boundary communication links. The data can be input to NETDA to design the backbone of the network.

topas2:  An AIX1 tool that utilizes the Performance Toolbox System Performance Measurement Interface to sample and report local system statistics, including event, file, disk, memory, network, paging, process and queue information.

TOR:  Terminal Owning Region. An area within a CICS environment which controls traffic to terminals.

TotalStorage:  IBM February 2001 branding of a broad range of disk and tape products, including ESS2 and VTS. Plus more than 100 TotalStorage Solution Centers worldwide, run by IBM Business Partners.

TouchMobile:  Wireless data collection and communication system with a portable terminal, announced February 1993. You collect the data on the portable terminal, which you later place in your TouchMobile Stationary (or Vehicle) Docking Station, which collects the data, recharges the batteries, and generally spruces it up ready for another busy day’s work collecting data for the greater good of mankind. Obsolete.

TouchSelect:  Feature, announced October 1991, which can be added to certain PS/2 displays to turn them into touch screens. TouchSelect software works with DOS, Windows, and OS/2. Obsolete.

TP-1:  A subset of the Debit-Credit benchmark. TP-1 isolates the database software and makes comparison between the various components more straightforward. In effect it’s a batch version of Debit-Credit – i.e., it doesn’t have the terminal network overhead.

TP:  Teleprocessing/Transaction Processing/Program. Generic term for applications based on terminal networks.

TPC:  Transaction-processing Performance Council. Group of hardware/software vendors (including IBM) which has developed some standards for benchmarking and performance measurement. These include TPC-A for OLTP, TPC-B for database, TPC-C which is a more realistic measure of TP than the A and B variants, and TPC-D for decision support systems.

TPDDI:  Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface. See CDDI.

TPF:  Transaction Processing Facility. A low-function but high-performance TP monitor for very large data communications systems. Derived from ACP (Airline Control Program), which was derived from PARS (Programmed Airline Reservation System). Runs on eserver zSeries 900 in SNA and non-SNA environments. Despite having no more than 300 users, TPF has been given strategic status. After Version 3 (early 1989) TPF ran native (i.e., didn’t need a host operating system).

TPF/DDA:  TPF Distributed Data Access. TPF facility which allows the user to propagate TPF data selectively to a DB2 database. See also DPROP.

TPF/MVS:  See Airline Control System.

TPF2:  Same as TPF.

TPFAR:  TPF Application Requester. DRDA support for TPF.

TPFDF:  TPF Database Facility. A database system which runs under TPF. Developed by Swissair, and marketed by IBM from early 1991. Also known as ACPDB.

TPF Operations Server:  TPF Operations Server for Windows 2000. Sends 3215 datastream operations messages from TPF to a console workstation. Connects to a TPF host using an ESCON channel card, receives messages from the TPF host, then sends them via TCP/IP over a LAN to a remote console workstation.

TPM:  Third Party Maintenance. Maintenance of your hardware by someone other than IBM. TPM will normally save you some money; maintenance is a major money spinner for IBM (up to 17% of revenues according to some authorities) and shopping around is well worthwhile.

tpmC:  Transactions per minute (tpmC) on the TPC-C benchmark.

TPNS:  Telecommunications Processing Network Simulator. z/OS and z/VM software for simulating networks of terminals, mainframes, FEPs, etc. Used in conjunction with NPM. Uses a REXX-like scripting language called STL (Structured Translator Language).


TPS1:  Transactions Per Second.

TPS2:  Two-Processor Switch. Facility which allows a 3745 channel adapter to be attached to two channel interfaces.

TPSM:  See Tivoli Personalized Services Manager.

TQA:  Transactional Question Answering system. IBM expert system research project. Natural language processing database query system.

TRA:  See Token Ring Adapter.

Trace:  A record of the execution sequence of a computer program. A trace applied to data links is a record of the frames and bytes transmitted or received.

Trail Boss:  IBM code name for the 2105 model that was the successor to the 3990 disk controller.

Tranquillity:  Keeping a security classification constant while in use.

Transactional messaging:  See Messaging.

Transaction image processing:  IBMspeak for systems in which image storage and retrieval is integrated with conventional DP (e.g., documents are captured as images and can be displayed alongside information from the DBMS). See also ImagePlus.

Transaction program:  Generic term for a program which processes the services that make up a transaction. A transaction may require services from several systems, and in such cases the transaction program will be executed on each system. In the SNA world, transaction programs are initiated by and utilize LU6.2.

Transaction Server:  IBM Transaction Server (TS). Available for several platforms during the late 1990s. CICS was a component. All versions of TS were either withdrawn or replaced by TXSeries.

Transarc:  Firm specializing in Unix systems software for LANs and WANs, which IBM acquired to get help with its AIX1 program, notably the CICS/6000 product.

TranslationManager:  OS/2 and Windows software designed specifically to provide machine-assisted language translation for professional translators, particularly those working on technical documents. Includes on-line dictionaries and text editors. Still available, though service ended December 1997.

Translation Manager/2:  Renamed TranslationManager.

TransLexis:  A terminology management system for organizations operating in more than one language. Includes an API, GUI, import/export components and a Web browser interface. Runs on OS/2 and Windows and requires DB2.

Transmission Groups:  Powerful bandwidth enhancing and fault-masking SNA feature from 1978 that permits connections between SNA Subareas to consist of multiple, parallel physical links. These are grouped together to form a single logical link that aggregates the bandwidth of all of the underlying links and protects the connection from individual link failures.

Transportable:  IBM term for the early, now thankfully obsolete, portable computer system that weighed 15 lbs or more, normally used AC power, and wouldn’t fit in a briefcase.

Transport layer:  The network layer responsible for quality of service and accurate delivery of information, i.e., error detection/correction occurs here.

Trap door:  A hidden method of avoiding security within an application.

TravelStar:  Version of the UltraStar disk drive for use in laptops.

TRC:  See Tivoli Remote Control.

Tree hugger:  IBMspeak for a member of staff who resists change. cf. Wall follower.

TRES:  See Tivoli Remote Execution Service.

Triadic:  Three way tightly-coupled multiprocessor.

Triggered Cache Manager:  See TCM2.

Trigram model:  The language model which supports IBM’s VoiceType software. It employs a table of statistics to assess the word just dictated and the context of the two words on either side.

Triple DES:  A block cipher symmetric algorithm that encrypts data three times, with three keys. Public-domain, 168-bit version of DES where the key is dynamically changed between steps (or transactions).

Triumph:  Triumph! PC-DOS security software originating from Micronyx and sold by IBM. Replaced by Secured Workstation Manager/DOS in September 1991.

TRM1:  Transmission Resource Manager. IBMspeak for control nodes in an IDNX network.

TRM2:  Token Ring Multiplexer.

TRN:  Token Ring Network.

TRN Remote Bridge:  See Token Ring Bridge.

Trojan horse:  Hiding malicious code inside a useful program.

TRON:  The Real-time Operating system Nucleus. A Japanese operating system standard which at one time was being pushed as an international standard. IBM, in association with Matsushita (which made IBM’s Japanese PCs), produced a prototype TRON system, and was affiliated in its own name to the TRON association. These days, little is heard of the thing.

Trouble Ticket for AIX:  AIX1 software which tracks network problems from discovery to resolution. Withdrawn July 1996. Several Web-based alternatives on the Internet are offered as replacements.

TRPC:  Transaction Remote Procedure call. An X/Open standard.

TRSS:  Token Ring Sub-System. Hardware component of TRN support on IBM FEPs. Software component is NTRI.

Tru64:  See Tru64 UNIX.

Tru64 UNIX:  Compaq Unix for Alpha1.

TRUE:  Task-Related User Exit. A module in CICS used for invoking resource managers that are outside of CICS.

Trusted Computing Base:  Any hardware, microcode and/or software that supports the security policy of the system. In AIX, TCB also checks the security integrity of the AIX operating environment every time a change is made.

Trust provider:  Software that decides whether to accept a file based on the digital certificate attached to it.

Try and Buy:  Generically, the concept behind Shareware. IBM and other software vendors have supported the concept for years with time-limited free trials. But IBM has also used the Try and Buy term itself, typically with DB2-related products such as QMF, but for such unrelated products as Lotus Domino Go Webserver.

TSA:  Novell Technical Support Alliance. Spun off from Novell in September 1993 as the vendor-neutral TSANet.

TSAF:  Transparent Service Access Facility. Peer-to-peer network software announced at the same time as the 9370. Ran under APPC/VM and provided transparent user access to multiple mainframes without SNA. Remote access was via CTCAs or BSC. Unkind commentators have suggested that TSAF stood for Temporary Stop-gap Access Facility.

Ts and Cs:  Terms and Conditions.

TSANet:  Technical Support Alliance Network. Formed in September 1993 to create a vendor-neutral version of Novell TSA, which had become a burden for Novell. Began with 19 initial sponsor companies. Merged with NTSA in 1995 but retained its TSANet name. Currently has over 100 members worldwide, though primary emphasis is in the US and Europe. As the name implies, the focus is on the delivery of customer technical support in a multivendor environment.

TSAPI:  Telephony Services Applications Programming Interface. API developed by Novell and AT&T for interfacing Novell networks to telephone switches.

TSCF:  Target System Control Facility. NetView-based automated operations facility enabling control and monitoring of multiple systems from a central controlling system. Enables the remote operator to IPL, IML, set the time-of-day clock, initialize the system, and detect wait states. Replaced ISCF in May 1991. Replaced by System Automation in July 1997.

Tscript:  IBM’s subset of ECMAScript.

TSD1:  See Tivoli Service Desk.

TSD2:  See Tivoli Software Distribution.

TSHDM:  See Tivoli Smart Handheld Device Manager.

TSL:  Total System/Solution Lease. Defunct lease package from the former IBM Credit Corp. (ICC) Consists of lease (3-5 years) covering all products and services (hardware, software, maintenance). First offered in the small systems (e.g., entry level AS/400) market, and mid 1995 ICC offered a TSL for the then new parallel mainframes.

TSM1:  Technical Services Management. Obsolete IBM service for coordinating and managing IBM and non-IBM hardware; introduced 1988. Under TSM IBM manages external suppliers of maintenance services on behalf of the customer. Designed to fulfill two long-term aims of IBM – to regain account control, and to provide new products/services. TSNS had similar objectives.

TSM2:  Tivoli Security Management. Renamed Tivoli SecureWay Security Manager.

TSM3:  See Tivoli Space Manager.

TSM4:  See Tivoli Storage Manager.

TSNM:  See Tivoli Storage Network Manager.

TSNS:  Telecommunications Services Network Support. Obsolete IBM offering in the US providing full network management of multi-vendor networks. Covers both voice and data. See also TSM1.

TSO:  Time Sharing Option. These days, everyone just says TSO when they mean TSO/E. Back in the 1980s, TSO was included with MVS/XA and you had to pay extra for TSO/E. Well worth the money given that TSO left you stranded below the 16MB line.

TSO/E:  Time Sharing Option/Extensions. An element of z/OS that provides an on-line interactive environment for programmers and users. Best known for the ISPF/PDF environment that runs on TSO/E. Can also be used to test batch programs. See also IKJEFT01, TSO.

TSO/VTAM:  Time Sharing Option for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. A standard feature of z/OS that initiates a TSO session, including logon, for a user at a terminal requesting it from VTAM, typically through a VTAM command like LOGON or TSO. Does not require RACF or other access control product, but works with one if present. TCAS and VTIOC are components of TSO/VTAM.

TSP:  Total System Package/Price. A pre-packaged system configuration, comprising hardware, software, supplies, publications, etc; the customer gets just one delivery (at a discount over the price of the individual components) and can get the machine up and running straight away. Introduced on the System/36 and later used on AS/400. Obsolete. See also Plug N Go.

TSQM:  See Tivoli Service Quality Manager.

TSR:  Terminate and Stay Resident. A TSR program is one (usually on a PC) which stops running but leaves a little bit of itself behind in the PC ready to spring into action as required. The best known and most widely used TSR for PC-DOS was Sidekick. Most networking and communications programs are of the TSR ilk. Now that Windows is a series of operating systems, rather than an operating environment running on top of PC-DOS, the TSR term has disappeared, though arguably not the concept.

TSS:  Tutorial Support System. On-line education system built into OS/400. Designed to enable users to teach themselves how to carry out basic system functions.

TTM:  Time To Market.

TTY:  See Teletype.

TUA:  Tivoli User Administration. Renamed Tivoli SecureWay User Administration.

Tube jockey:  IBMspeak for a PC/terminal junky. Tube jockeys typically spend most of their time irritating everybody else in the organization by sending thousands of trivial notes through the corporate e-mail system. The Internet is a particularly fertile breeding grounds for these pests.

TURBOWAYS 100:  100Mbps ATM2 adapter. Announced for the RS/6000 March 1994. A version for the 3172 was announced June 1995, along with MCA versions for PCs running OS/2 or NetWare in a LAN environment. Replaced by the TURBOWAYS 155 December 1996.

TURBOWAYS 155:  155Mbps MCA ATM2 adapter, based on the TURBOWAYS 100, announced June 1995. Added support for UTP5 and STP wiring April 1996. By October 1998, all models had been withdrawn.

TURBOWAYS 25:  Obsolete 25Mbps ISA, MCA and PCI ATM2 adapters.

TURBOWAYS 622:  622Mbps PCI MMF ATM2 adapter. A 64 bit full duplex Universal PCI adapter for eserver pSeries announced October 2000.

TURBOWAYS 8282:  See 8282.

Tuxedo:  TP monitor for Unix environments originally from Unix System Labs (USL). September 1992, IBM commissioned Unix System Labs to do a version of Tuxedo for its mainframe Unix environment, although little ever came of it. Novell acquired Tuxedo when it bought USL, and then sold Tuxedo in January 1996 to a Palo Alto start-up company called BEA Systems that has since grown very large.

TVC:  Tape Volume Cache. A disk buffer in VTS.

TVPN:  See Tivoli Virtual Private Network Manager.

TVTOC:  Tape Volume Table Of Contents. Dataset1 names and other information for each tape file stored by RACF in the tape volume profile.

Twinax:  Twinaxial cable. The cable medium used for the 5250 family of terminals used on the iSeries 400.

Twisted pair:  Type of wire consisting of sets of two insulated copper wires twisted together (the wires are twisted to reduce induction and interference from one wire to the other). The individual twisted pairs may themselves be combined to form a multi-wire cable in a single sheath. Twisted pair is the most widely used cable type for attaching devices to PABXs. Usually unshielded, and hence fairly cheap but with limited bandwidth. See also UTP.

Two-factor authentication:  Access based on something a user knows and something a user has.

Two-phase commit:  A TP protocol in which a transaction is either accepted in its entirety or aborted in its entirety. Used in distributed database systems to manage replicated data, where you need either to update all multiple resources simultaneously, or not update any.

TWS:  See Tivoli Workload Scheduler.

TWSA:  See Tivoli Web Services Analyzer.

TWSM:  See Tivoli Web Services Manager.

TWX:  See Telex.

TXSeries:  A merging of CICS, Encina and IBM Transaction Server. Available for AIX1, Windows NT 4.0, HP-UX and Sun Solaris. Announced January 1998. All but the HP-UX version were replaced December 1999 by WebSphere Application Server.